Something is happening inside of me.  Not sure what it is, but I know it’s God doing it.  I’ve a hunger for Him like never before, I find myself at work, sneaking away to the breakroom just to read a word to meditate on.  I am in prayer mode, it echoes in my thoughts.  I’ve started re-evaluating what it means to be a christian and what I’m doing to make God proud of me. 

I listen to family radio a lot and their really pushing this thing about Judgement Day being May 21, 2011.  I don’t know about all of that, but what it made me think is that if I had that meeting with the Lord, would He be proud of his daughter? Or would He ask me why He’d given me the gifts of counseling and exhortation among many, yet I didn’t use them to his fulfillment?

I’ve been seeking God in a much deeper way lately, listening to my sermons on CD, and radio, making time for prayer in the morning.  I’ve been looking forward to the next “Great Escape” at my church where the women can gather in the sanctuary and be intimate with God; no kids, no husbands, just God and our hearts. 

Something is happening inside of me.  Not sure what it is, but I know it’s God doing it. I’m really believing the Lord for 100% employment and more fulfilling employement (for those employed) in our church, raises and bonuses, benefits, completed pledges(exceeding the original pledge), sales and commissions, scholarships and fellowships, settlements, estates, and inheritances, 100% COMMITTED disciples doing the Lords work in our ministry at Victory Outreach.  Maybe you’re reading this and you’re thinking, “that’s some big expectation.” but when you’re faith is growing exponentially, it’s just small stuff. 

If you’re reading this and you’re a christian, stand in the gap and pray with us, you’ll truly be blessed when you set aside your own woes and pray for someone’s breakthrough!

On a journey

I’m at home, it’s late, my daughter’s fighting a bug and the sleep monster, I’m trying to do homework, and I can feel the stress creeping in.  I look to Jesus, I’m praying in my mind, “Lord, please help me not get stressed so easily, Lord help me not to be frustrated….”  I want to be so close to God lately, it’s like that little girl who wraps herself around her daddy’s leg so He doesn’t leave.  I am blessed and sometimes I forget how big I’m blessed, but this is the stuff that drives me crazy.  In a relationship that after such a short amount of time is volatile.  It drives me nuts that I’m dating the eternal victim.  I am trying to show him the love of God, but I am running out of steam, my emotional strength has to go so many other places right now.

 Anyway, although it doesn’t sound like it, I’m experiencing joy in my life. I don’t particularly care for my job, but it pays the bills and provides for my little girl.  One day I hope to own a coffee shop, a small corner bistro, with a kids friendly section ( it’s so hard to go out for coffee with little ones, i don’t think they get why it’s enjoyable to sit for an hour sipping at a cup.) Dreams to dream….It’s all a journey and even when it gets tough it’s enough to know that you’ve never arrived, because life’s not a destination.

My church right now is on a mission to get growing and going to the next level. I’m so excited to see how the favor of the Lord is going to rain down on us even more; who’s going to get saved and who’s loved ones are finally going to get prayed into the kingdom!  April is exciting!

love you, god bless, gots to go wash my tress.

Oh Taste and See….

Well, it’s kind of strange to open up to billions of eyes, but I suppose the comfort is in the fact that many will see it, but few will read. I was thinking that today is filled with excitement! It’s a new day and it’s beautiful; I’ve just started a fast with my church. 21 days of prayer, fasting, discipline, learning to be broken in the presence of the Lord and glorifying him while you’re there. It’s only day 3 and already, I’m feeling the restoration and clarity that comes with being obedient to the Lord.

I love how my church sets you up for success, whether it be a meaty word from God, delivered by Pastor Al Valdez or a strong word of encouragement from Sister Georgina Valdez, my church really sets us up to gain understanding, wisdom and a life with the Lord that everyone should want. I’m really excited to see how God will bless this church and the people who labor to build it up.

Funny thing is when you’re on track, the enemy wants to tempt you. He lies to you and says, “oh, it’s just a little piece of chocolate…no one will know…” But I know! LOL. I get to work today and there’s a bag filled with yummy, beautifully decorated peanut butter cups (my favorite) that I’d ordered a month ago from a co-worker. I sat and looked at the bag and said, “Devil you’re a liar!” Think I’m playing? I took my $25.00 worth of chocolate and put it in my employee lounge! HaHa, now my nurses can indulge and I can still keep fighting the good fight of fasting with integrity!

Anyway, if you fast and you do mess up, it’s not the end of the world. Get up and get back on track and really seek the Lord and ask for His help in staying on track. My final thought: I may not be tasting chocolate, but I can taste and see that the Lord is good and blessed are they who trust in Him!(Psalm 34:8)  Off to write a letter to a missionary now….

Love, Kelly

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